By far, the most popular post on my blog has always been my article on treating knots in your calves . When I first wrote that post I wonder...

By far, the most popular post on my blog has always been my article on treating knots in your calves . When I first wrote that post I wonder...
It took me a while to accept that cooler temperatures are here to stay. I was in denial for the better part of October, but when my f...
I admit, I've never been a fan of wearing gadgets on the run. Running for me is a mindful, meditative zen-like experience tha...
Okay, maybe I can't speak on behalf of the whole wide world, but the increasing popularity of heart rate training and paleo diet...
Christopher McDougall is at it again. The bestselling author of Born to Run recently released his latest book, Natural Born Heroes . B...
It's been a busy summer for me here in Oregon, and I'm sorry to say I haven't been updating my blog as much as I would have l...